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Daniel Rosen
I play music in a variety of genres - from swing jazz to stoner rock and musicals.
I write speculative fiction - short stories and novels.
Short Fiction Links
!On Tracks Of Liberty, NewMyths, 9/14/2020
!Cyclical Miracle, Daily Science Fiction, 2/4/2020
!The Narrow Lands Of Truth, Kaleidotrope, 1/1/20
!Malgenot, '32, Notes Of Cherry, Arcanist, 11/1/19
!When A Boy Gets His Bees, DSF, 2/12/19
If Thine Eye Offends Thee, Shoreline of Infinity, 12/9/17
Musicicada, Pantheon, 11/27/17
The Spark That Starts The Flame, Third Flatiron, 9/20/2017
!Moths To The Flame, Lackington's, 5/24/17
!The Ship That Forgot Itself, IGMS, 4/9/17_
Ten Easy Steps To Help You Live Forever, Err, 3/17/17
Little Deaths, Shattered Space, 3/1/17
Perennials, Shoreline of Infinity, 9/21/16
!Anabaptist, Apex Magazine, 2/8/16
!Love Song of the Last Wavemother, Zetetic, 2/1/16
!Diaspora, Bastion Science Fiction Magazine, 12/1/14
!The Hands That Coded Heaven, The Colored Lens, 9/12/14
To Kill The Stars, Spark Anthology, 8/31/14
!The Secret Of Bruscar Skerry, Saturday Evening Post, 6/11/14
Most of these are free to read, but they don't come with artfully crafted illustrations and cocktail pairings.
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I also write code!
​You can find some personal projects with Github links below.
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